鍵と吹 - Key & Wind

Enjoy playing keyboard and wind-synth. アマチュア キーボード、Ewiプレイヤー。使用機材などについて書きます。



バンド活動として、キーボードとEwiの二刀流をはじめて、9ヶ月経ちました。 Ewiとは、息でコントロールするシンセサイザーの製品名です。



  Hello, I am neon-lights(neon1lights).

As a band activity, it took nine months to get the keyboard and Ewi’s dual-way player. Ewi is the product name of a synthesizer controlled by breath.

Originally I am not good at playing the keyboard as a solo instrument. As an alternative, I thought about starting solo instrument Ewi. It is now attracted to the breadth of Ewi’s performance expression.

I would like to talk about the enjoyment of the keyboard and Ewi performance.